Stacie Bannon


Discover the Different Psychic Senses 



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All psychics have different skills and abilities. In this article you will be able to gain more insight into what psychic senses a psychic can be gifted in, and what you may be gifted in also. This in turn will allow you to get the most out of your reading. 

I will say upfront that no psychic sense is better or worse, or more important or special. They all have great value. You are best served to try to enhance the psychic senses you innately know that you might have and let the others come down the road naturally. It is also natural to be more in tune with one gift more than others. 

Our spirituality is meant to enhance and better our life. Stand in your own beautiful light. You don’t need anyone’s permission or approval to explore what interests you. Other people’s beliefs or biases don’t belong to you. Some people are afraid of the unknown or have religious beliefs that dictate how they perceive the world and that’s okay. No judgement is needed. 

Remember to enjoy learning about your intuition and your abilities. It is easy to dive in and get overwhelmed or over-focused. There is a lot of information out there now, some erroneous even from famous or well-established psychics. Or you flit around the edges and don’t make the time for yourself and your interests. Once you do learn some things, consider taking a class about what interests you in-person or online. Meet another person or a local group who has similar interests to you or create a small metaphysical tribe safely.

Experiment with different online exercises to see what psychic senses you have or are stronger in. Learning is exciting but at some point, get out of student-mode and get into action if it makes you feel good to explore your woo-woo side. 

Importantly, know there is never anything to fear. You do not need “psychic protection” nor can we “contact something evil or bad” or anything like that. That is antiquated, fear-based thinking. Our psychic gifts are a beautiful and positive thing, and every human was born with innate psychic senses and intuition whether they believe in it or not.

Here is your guide to the different types of psychic abilities: 


Clairvoyance (clear seeing)   

Clairvoyance is physically seeing in your “third eye” objects, places, pictures, short ‘movies’ or auras related to the person having the psychic reading. It enables us to perceive information or events through clear mental images or visions. Clairvoyants can ‘see’ or visualize things that are beyond their immediate physical surroundings. Clairvoyance is often associated with the ability to see spirit guides and departed people. They can also see things in the present or past.  

When using clairvoyance, I will literally see what a guide or loved one is showing me to convey or make a point. It can be an object, a scene in my mind, or a vision like a little movie screen comes up and I watch it in my mind’s eye. It’s always brief. In a reading, departed loved ones will sometimes show me a little movie and it is a real memory of theirs. 

If you have strong clairvoyant gifts, you may be able to see colors in the energy fields (auras) around people, animals, and plants/trees. Or you may be able to see angels, guides, or departed loved ones. People that are more clairvoyant tend to be visual learners. If you are a visual person, you can easily “visualize” solutions to problems. 

Clairsentience (clear feeling)  

The gift of ‘clear feeling’ is the ability to sense or feel information on an emotional or energetic level. Clairsentients can pick up on the emotions, energy, or vibrations of people, places, or objects. It is the ability to feel or sense information that was unknown to them before. It is also the ability to feel or sense spirit. It is the ability to get a “gut feeling” about someone or something.  

An example: a friend introduces you to the man she started dating and your very first gut instinct is a bad vibe, he is not genuine. You may discount that feeling if he acts friendly and relaxed as the night goes on and people seem to like him, but a month later you find out your gut instinct was completely correct. That first instinct was a message from your guides. 

Clairaudience (clear hearing)  

This is being able to hear spirit guides and departed people. You may hear sounds, voices, or messages from sources that are not physically present. These voices or noises are heard in the middle of your head (mind) or inner ear and are distinct and distinguishable from our own internal narrator. You can hear words, music, or sounds from a source, which is not noticeable to the normal ear. Clairaudience is also be referred to as “inner hearing” or “psychic hearing.” This noise can be anything from a faint humming to actual words being spoken.  

An example: you may be driving towards a hill on a country road and suddenly hear, “move to the right!” No one else is in the car, but the message is clear and seems to come from outside of you. You move over to the side of the road at once and a truck speeding over the hill would have rammed into you if you had not done that right then. 

Claircognizance (clear knowing)  

It is the ability to know something without being told or having any prior knowledge of the subject. Claircognizant people just know things. They don’t necessarily see visions like a clairvoyant or hear things like a clairaudient, they just heavily rely on their intuition. Claircognizants may have a strong sense of knowing or understanding without being able to explain how they arrived at that knowledge. We are all claircognizant to some degree, but some people are more in tune with this ability than others. 

An example: someone you trust tells you a story and you intuitively know a part is not true, and later find out you were right. Not a feeling, but an instant knowing.

Another interesting example is when you travel somewhere new and feel strongly like you have been there before. That is almost always because you lived or visited there in a past life (or more than one). If it was a good experience in that past life, you may instantly like the place, if not a good life there you may dislike it quickly. That is claircognizance. 

Much of my readings involve claircognizance because as your Master Spirit Guide conveys your messages to me it’s like an instant download of information that I tell you as they “talk” to me and I give you their answers and guidance to your questions almost simultaneously. Their information is clear and easy to understand.

Claircognizance is a very accurate psychic sense during a reading because the psychic doesn’t have to interpret anything. The only problem can be if the psychic inserts themselves or their own beliefs into the reading, even unintentionally and unknowingly. Like if a client says they are having an affair and the psychic tells them that their guide says to stop (even if that is not the message) because the psychic’s personal opinion is so strong (and passing judgment) overrode the guide’s message.

Clairgustance (clear tasting)  

This is the ability to taste flavors or substances without physically ingesting them. You may experience specific tastes associated with a person, place, or object. This will sometimes happen when a departed loved one is around, and that taste is an association with them that is strong for you, (like grandma’s special spaghetti).  

You may be relaxing and get a taste in your mouth out of nowhere that instantly reminds you of that person or an experience with them. 

Clairalience (clear smelling)  

This is the ability to perceive smells or odors that are not physically present. You may smell fragrances, scents, or aromas associated with a certain person or memory. This also happens most often when a departed loved one is near you. An example, I will smell my grandmother’s perfume sometimes out of nowhere and it means she is trying to support or comfort or connect with me.  


A medium can connect with people who have passed away. If somebody who you know has passed away, a medium can communicate with this person and transfer messages back and forth between you.  

A mediumship reading can help people seek closure after the loss of a loved one. The medium can transmit messages of love, healing, validations, and messages from the other side, which can be very comforting


This is the ability to gather information or impressions by touching or holding an object. You may receive insights, emotions, or images related to the object’s history or owner. This is because every object has an energy field around it which holds information about the people who have owned or encountered it, especially if there was an emotional attachment. By touching that object, the psychic or person can “tune in” to this energy field and receive information about the owner(s) of the object. I have taught classes on this, and it is fascinating to see and do.  



This is the ability to perceive physical sensations or movements in the body without any apparent physical cause. It may feel like subtle shifts in energy, vibrations, or sensations associated with a specific situation or presence of a person, passed loved ones, Angels, or spirit guides.  

Clairkinesthetia can also happen when your Master Spirit Guide is near you, or a departed loved one. The sensations will have a positive or loving energy. And it is also associated with spiritual awakening.  

Also, when meditating or working in the Akashic Records people often feel many different sensations as they are doing this activity, from subtle to profound. We naturally and automatically go to a different dimension / energetic space when we do these activities.   

We sometimes experience clairkinesthetia because our Master Guides and/or Akashic Record guide will level up our intuitive and healing abilities when we are ready, whether we realize it or not. They know exactly what they are doing. With clairkinesthesia you may feel hot or cold suddenly, swirling sensations around you or in you, throbbing in your hands (healing vortexes), ringing in your ears, noticeable pressure between your eyes (third eye), tingling sensations, vibrations in or around you, and more. It’s different for everyone.  

Retrocognition (post-cognition)  

Retrocognition is the ability to see past lives or events that happened before you were born or happened far previously without your knowledge. It can also be used to help you make peace with the events that have occurred in your past.   

In cultures where reincarnation is accepted, small children have recounted stories of past lives in great detail, down to the address of where they lived and what their job was. Often, they have skills without ever training or can report details they could not know otherwise. Their ability to know and articulate the past is astounding.  

“In 1901, Annie Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain became well known for their abilities of retrocognition. Both were academic scholars and worked at a British school for women and were well-respected in their fields.  

They were determined to find the location of the private chateau belonging to the ill-fated French queen, Marie Antoinette. But as they sought its location, they believed to have encountered Marie Antoinette.  

Rather than coming across the deceased queen’s ghost, the pair said they thought they interacted with a recollection of her past and it became one of the most notable examples of retrocognition to date.  

Moberly and Jourdain wrote about their experience in the book “An Adventure”, published in 1911. They provided details about the queen’s speech, dress, and actions. They believed the retrocognition they experienced was a memory of Antoinette’s last days before her execution.”  



Precognition is the ability to see future events. This can be related to precognitive dreams, which are dreams that eventually come true. It can also be related to getting a “gut feeling” about something that is going to happen. Precognition is often associated with déjà vu, which is the feeling that you have experienced something before; sometimes because you did have an incredibly similar experience in a past life or in literally in that spot.  

Understand that glimpses of the future may take place during a dream; or in a half-waking or meditative state of mind. Know that glimpses into the future can be visual, like a vision or photo, or they can be a sensing or knowing of the more immediate future that comes to pass. 

Caution: understand that you should not believe anyone claiming to see the future at will, since future glimpses (precognition) are always spontaneous in nature and not produced by the exertion of personal will or desire.

One example of precognition is, a mother who feels a shooting pain in her arm most of the day and then gets a phone call that later that her daughter was just in a car accident and broke their arm right where the mother had pains.

Remote Viewing  

Psychics gifted in remote viewing can see events happening in real-time. They can psychically travel long distances. This is done by a remote viewer if you need to know what is happening in a specific location. It can also be used for finding lost objects or people. Remote viewing can be used in different ways. I do not do remote viewing or know anyone personally who does. But I have talked to credible people that feel they have witnessed remote viewing in action.

Hi, I'm Stacie

I am a psychic medium and Akashic Record Reader who works with clients all over the US and internationally. 



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