The Akashic Records are Our Soul’s Record Keepers

Our souls have human experiences in the form of lifetimes, and we have many, many lifetimes of experiences that stay with us. Although we usually cannot remember this information, it’s all stored in the Akashic Records in ‘the Divine.’ 
The Akashic Records (AR) hold the entire history about your soul, clear back to its origination/inception. They are not a physical place or tangible thing.  

Think of the Akashic Records as an energetic information super-highway that exists outside of time and space in the fifth dimension.  

The third dimension is your body, the earth, your home and possessions; our physical reality and the densest dimension. The fourth dimension is your mind and thoughts and intuition. The fifth dimension and higher is where your soul, higher self, ‘the Divine’, the Akashic Records, spirit guides, Angels, and your departed loved ones exist, and is the least dense/solid – hence outside of time and space.  
Some people see the AR as an unimaginably vast Divine energetic database that holds each individual Soul Record. Some see it as an infinite Divine “library” that holds each soul’s information in an individual Akashic Record “book” that is stored in the library. 
In the AR are records of everything that has ever existed or taken place: including human lifetimes, every event that happened on every inch of the Earth, and the record of all Universal events that have ever occurred – in the past and present, and near future possibilities and probable trajectories.  
In essence, when you read your own Record or the Record of someone else, you are connecting with the Soul of a person. It’s a very sacred and healing space. One that is deeply personal, intimate, and that spans all the lifetimes of a particular Soul. 
Every human has a Soul Record for every lifetime they have experienced, and it’s stored in their individual Akashic Record. Your AR includes every action, thought, emotion, relationship, karmic experience, and everything you experienced during every lifetime, including this one. Every property also has an AR history because souls have inhabited the land and the premises for a very long time. 
The Akashic Records are on the highest vibrational and energetic dimension of unconditional love and healing. 
The concept of the Records has been referred to in every spiritual tradition on the planet. In the Bible, it is referred to as the Book of Life. References to the AR, or the eternal ‘Book of Life’, date back to antiquity. They are referred to in ancient Tibetan, Egyptian, and Asian records (and more) as an “Akasha” or “Sky Library.” The Akashic Records provide an infinite wealth of information about you, including relationships, career, past lives, and your soul’s journey! 
The Soul Records are deposited by the soul itself into the Akashic Records and it’s an automatic process. There is no way that these records can be altered or changed by the soul or others as this recording is completed through a process of vibration. Every Soul Record is always protected by the Akashic Records, opened or closed. 
We each have an Akashic Record Guide who helps us connect to our Divine nature as a human by giving us any AR information that we need to help us find out who we really are on a Soul-level, and to help us in this life. 

Information from the Akashic Records helps us to learn and experience who we really are on a soul-level for happiness and fulfillment. They help us to be aligned with how we were created as a soul so we can flourish and better understand what we are experiencing now. The Records give you accurate answers and guidance to your issues and crossroads. The AR can tell you about the soul connection and a past life with someone you love. And so much more. 
The variable of if we are happy and satisfied is if the choices and actions, we make daily are positive and congruent to how energetically we are made as a soul. We are each 100% responsible for the life we create. Naturally, other people affect us with their actions (free will) but we always choose how we react to and deal with them. 
Remember, you are never judged or “punished” by the AR, your spirit guides, or the Divine, you’re always loved and helped. They are infinitely patient and loving with us. 
On a soul-level, earth is our playground to truly enjoy life here, make positive connections with others, and to feel powerful and self-directed. 
Every human makes soul-level choices before we are born into this life, like choosing our parents, what we would possibly like to do or experience, other souls we have a connection with, and how we can best express our unique soul while incarnated – a “Divine Soul Blueprint” – but we aren’t forced to do anything because we have ‘free will’ to make our own choices at all times. This is how we can always change and grow if we put in the effort. 
We consciously create our life through the actions we take daily using our gift of ‘free will.’  Our free will is not our thoughts and decisions, our free will is activated when we take ACTION to do something. 
For example: you can decide to end a bad family relationship, build more support systems to do so, get a desired makeover and a great new job, but if you don’t take the action of ending that relationship you are not utilizing your “free will” and implementing it congruently with your soul-level desires. 
You’re not in alignment with your Soul because to stay in a bad family relationship for any reason hurts deeply and makes us question our identity and lose self-esteem. We become fearful, defensive, distressed, and approval-seeking. In contrast, when in alignment with our soul, we are honest and accountable, grounded, speak our Truth, make rational and sound decisions, uplift others in person and behind their backs, don’t take anything personally or judge others, we set clear boundaries with people, and are resilient, adaptable and positive. We find joy in life . . .  
We can be in a grieving process, make honest mistakes, hurt someone’s feelings and apologize, have a crappy few days and still stay in alignment with your soul. We are NOT here to be perfect and to avoid all hardships. We are incarnated . . . Yet, being dishonest, narcisstic, envious, attention-seeking, jealous, needing to feel “most special”, ungrateful, manipulative, worship money or power, etc., are lower-energy behaviors that separate us from our own Divinity and ‘God spark.’  As you know, anyone can stop doing these things or having these attributes by owning it, and taking consistent new, positive actions. 
I offer Akashic Record Readings to give you the needed information, answers and insights to understand how you were created as a new soul, and how you best experience this life. You can ask your deeper level questions also.
The information will help you gain greater self-awareness and confidence and to release what is holding you back. Most of all, how to align with your unique soul’s energetic qualities so you can start or continue creating the beautiful life you want to live now. 
The purpose of choosing to be born each lifetime is for our unique Soul’s self-expression as a human, and to love and be loved in return.   

We can live our life every day aligned with our Soul’s unique energetic qualities to naturally create synchronicity with our Divine nature, so we feel empowered and fulfilled. The Earth is our playground. 
We can clear any blocks, restrictions, energetic misalignments, negative karma, and much more, affecting you now in an Akashic Record session when we have a conscious knowledge of it. When we find out the origin or root cause of any issue we are struggling with then we can consciously choose to clear it in our Akashic Record, then move forward taking new actions to get positive results instead of negative consequences. 
For example, we can clear ‘negative’ karma during your session. Karma is never a punishment, we attracted the energetic karma through our choices now, and sometimes over many lifetimes. We can always make a conscious choice to change whatever our karmic energy is – from ‘negative’ to ‘positive’ by making new positive choices and taking new positive actions. 

STACIE BANNON, MODERN DAY PSYCHIC (TM) © 2013 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |  PRIVACY POLICY | Branding, Copywriting, Website Design by Bella Maven

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