Manifestation: Detach from the Outcome

A part of “manifestation” that tends to be challenging for some people to understand is detaching from the outcome. Manifestation is an intangable practice. It is a practice that works the muscles of the brain to believe it BEFORE we see it. When manifesting your new job / new relationship / new house / (etc), your mind must be in a TRUSTING space to allow the Universe to help create the desired outcome for you.

A common mistake people make when manifesting is begging, pleading, and NEEDING their desire to come to life. The Universe does not resonate with desperate or lack energy. It is of most help with those that are very clear, trusting, and so at peace with their desires that it doesn’t matter whether it comes to fruition or not.

Remember, desires are nothing but a FEELING. It all comes back to what manifesting your job/house/soulmate would FEEL like for you. Tap into those positive emotions and let go completely. You will be amazed at how quickly the Universe will listen and respond.

Remember, new actions are needed to get new amazing results. This is your ‘free will’ in action.

BELOW IS A CONTRACT you can sign with the Universe declaring that you are clear on your desired ideal job/house/partner/etc. (If you are not crystal clear, take your time and write down exactly what you do want). Insert your name below, read the contract out loud 3 times, sign and date it, and then simply let all of your expectations and ‘lack energy’ go . . . .

” I ________ declare that I am letting go of HOW I will find my desired job / house / soulmate (fill it in). I trust that the Universe is always guiding me and Divine timing is always in my favor. I am letting go of WHEN I will find my ideal job / house / soulmate / etc. I am falling deeper in love with myself every day, and opening space for the Universe to work its undeniable magic. I fully receive the Universe’s uncondtional love and support.

Signature:______________ Date:________________ “

NOW THAT YOU HAVE LET GO of “exactly how” and “when” you’ll find your new job/house/soulmate, it’s time to work on falling in love with yourself.

This may not have been something you were expecting when manifesting your ideal life, but I actually believe it is THE most important point I talk about.

Being unapologetically happy and comfortable with loving yourself fully is the KEY to not only finding a new job/house/soulmate, but also being an incredible employee/neighbor/partner. When you love who you are, every inch and every flaw, you will undoubtedly let go of any and all expectations and NEED from others and situations to fill an ’empty void’.

When you strive for deeply personal goals and have dreams for YOU, (not just for loved ones), you will no longer feel the need for someone or something to fulfill that space that might be missing in your life.

STACIE BANNON, MODERN DAY PSYCHIC (TM) © 2013 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |  PRIVACY POLICY | Branding, Copywriting, Website Design by Bella Maven

| photo & video credit: hooton images, omaha, ne

| photo & video credit: hooton images