Raise your Money Energy to Abundance

Have you ever wondered why it seems like some people who have money attract more money?  

People who come from wealth sometimes have a better chance of making money than those from impoverished backgrounds. Money can make money. However, it is much deeper than that. The difference is the energy and your mindset. Those whose family stories around money are about abundance live their lives with a more assured knowing that money is abundant and free flowing.  

Money is neutral energetically. It is not good or bad, positive or negative; it is only a barter system in our modern society, in our physical third-dimensional reality on Earth.  

Yet, most people have fear and issues surrounding money. Ever hear or say the phrases, “Money is the root of all evil” or “Money doesn’t grow on trees” or “It’s greedy to want a lot of money” or “There will never be enough money!”? We all have. But ‘money’ is simply a barter system and a tangible thing; it is our perception and internal beliefs about money (and wealth) that hold all the power.  

Abundance is not about the luck of the draw or rolling the dice of life. To develop lasting financial wealth, we must seize the opportunity to change our beliefs and energetic vibration about money and embrace those beliefs until they become our truth.  

It is not wrong to want to make money – is it wrong to want freedom? Money can bring freedom to do what we enjoy and go where we want to. That is a positive and honorable thing to want. Money is just one vehicle to help get us what we really want. Release all guilt, shame, and limiting or negative beliefs around wanting comfort, stability, and yes, more than enough money to live the life you want to.  

Before there was money as we know it, people would normally barter for things—your energy in exchange for my energy. In modern society, the barter system previously used in everyday life is now replaced with paper money assigned a value, but the energy exchange is still the same.  

Money is simply energy.  

To get what we want, we trade our money (energy) for the value (energy) of something else. It is a give and take. An exchange of energy.  

Everything in life has a balance. A yin/yang, a positive/negative, a give and a take. Without one, the opposite cannot exist. It is a Universal Law of Opposites.  

And so it is with the energy that we call money.  

Each of us has a very personal relationship with money. To be in the best financial position each of us dreams of, we must first identify the beliefs preventing the flow of money to us. We need to be consistent or create the ability to be highly responsible with our money. Save your money to buy whatever you want in cash. There is huge energetic power and freedom in that. The more authentically powerful you feel, the more positive energy you have inside of you.  

Responsibility = Power. The more responsible/accountable you are, the more powerful you are. Building your willpower to be truly financially responsible daily takes one consistent effort at a time, it is not an innate ability we are born with.  

MONEY IS ENERGY. If we agree that money is just another form of energy, now let’s replace the word money with the word energy in the negative statements about money:  

Look at those statements again.  

Energy is the root of all evil.  

Energy doesn’t grow on trees.  

There will never be enough energy.  

It’s greedy to want a lot of energy.  

It doesn’t make sense, does it?  

To attract money into our lives and keep it requires us to change our perspective about it. By changing the stories we grew up believing were true and creating new ones, we will be able to manifest abundance and balance in our lives.  

If we continue to retell the same stories, we will continue to keep the status quo.  

No new actions means no new results.  

We cannot have it both ways. If we focus on stories of scarcity, scarcity is what we will attract. Thoughts are the most powerful tool we use to create the world we want.  

Change the story to change the outcome.  

Let go, heal your money wounds and manifest what you deeply desire. Are you ready to rewrite the story of your relationship with money? First, you must address and then clear your old stories and emotional wounds around money, poverty, and wealth. Do you see poor people as lazy, unlucky, more genuine or honest than wealthy people, or “less than”? Are wealthy people greedy, unworthy of good fortune, lucky, or better than others? Pay attention to who you judge and why you judge them.  

How we feel about ourselves directly affects our levels of success in business, financial or otherwise. If you feel like you’re not ‘worth’ what you own, your business pricing or salary, are comparing yourself to other people you see as more qualified/successful/money savvy than you and you’re battling with negative self-talk, the more likely you are experiencing money blocks.

Money blocks are mental patterns or beliefs that hinder financial success. They manifest through procrastination, perfectionism, self-sabotage, low self-esteem, denial, control issues, limiting beliefs, feeling helpless, making “fear-based” decisions instead of “logic-based” decisions, and negative emotions.

Common signs of money blocks include: financial struggles, job dissatisfaction, constant money worries, difficulty saving, low confidence in financial matters, choosing to not move forward in your career or obsessing about your job or career, low awareness of your financial situation, so frugal you don’t engage in different life experiences, impulsive spending, buying things you don’t need at the time (sale items, items in storage for a rainy day, boxes with unknown contents), envy of other people’s wealth or financial stability, and feeling stuck or drained.


If you have a “feel bad” relationship with money, consider making a realistic monthly budget and honor it. That is honoring yourself too. Keep every receipt and objectively, without any emotions attached, reconcile or record them at least weekly. For many people money is “out of sight, out of mind” so they don’t track debit/credit card use as they go, then they spend more than they expect to most months. Some of us shop to feel better in the moment then feel disheartened later when we see our money being drained or misused. Money doesn’t seem real to some people, so they unconsciously ignore it until they need it or must account for it; objectively tracking your money/receipts weekly may help greatly with this.

#1. Stop aligning money with your emotions – you feel good because you have money saved, you feel bad so you spend it, you have a good month so everything is great again, you worry “I’ll never have enough money” when life is challenging, and on and on. This is all a scarcity mindset, or trying to fill an illusionary void inside, and that roller coaster keeps us on that negative cycle of money worries/beliefs.

#2. To start changing your money mindset, write down (by hand) a list of all the negative ways you perceive money, and another list of positive perspectives you have about money. Review it with care and burn the list of negative beliefs outdoors. Tape to your bedroom wall the positive list.  

#3. Next, dedicate two hours of your week to write a “Letter of Release” about your emotional wounds, money blocks, and internal conflicts about money. This includes childhood experiences with money including how your parents perceived or handled money, your sense of self-worth (including its correlation to money), bad past experiences with money (loss of job, or losing a friendship over money), old internal stories, being ridiculed or judged about not enough or too much money, and any limiting or negative beliefs you have about money. This writing exercise will be incredibly healing and freeing. You can write a Letter of Release about any emotional wounds you have.  

#4. Smudge/sage your home weekly to clear and reset the energy in it. Every time we do something positive to help ourselves and our environment, no matter how small the act, we build our self-esteem and sense of inner peace.

Moving forward, every week when you see you have control over your money and the energy of it through responsibility and positive associations, you will feel powerful and in turn you will become more financially abundant in life. 

Now is a beautiful time to do clearing work and to set new intentions for your life. Start today by reshaping your beliefs about money to a mindset of abundance and empowerment.

Articles about “scarcity mindset”:

STACIE BANNON, MODERN DAY PSYCHIC (TM) © 2013 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |  PRIVACY POLICY | Branding, Copywriting, Website Design by Bella Maven

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