Welcome to Stacie Bannon's Blog

A space dedicated to teaching you more about psychic mediumship and inspiring you to begin your journey of self-growth.

Common Myths in the New Age World

Psychic Abilities

I have been a professional psychic medium for 8 years, I have experienced a lot of facinating things. I have also seen some things that are not helpful or ethical. I personally choose to stay in my own lane and be positive about life. But I think it’s important to help others to be clear […]

Why Self-esteem and Self-care are Spiritual

Energy Healing

​Spiritual wellbeing means the ability to experience and integrate meaning and purpose in life through a person’s connectedness with self, others, art, music, literature, nature, or a power greater than oneself, (God, ‘the Divine’, Spirit Guides, Angels, the Universe). Spiritual wellbeing is about our inner life and its relationship with the wider world.  We all […]


Hi, I’m Stacie -
A Psychic Medium Committed To Helping You Heal And Confidently Move Forward 

As featured in the book Top 50 Psychics & Mediums in the US 

We all encounter difficult circumstances, and I’m honored to help you move forward positively and productively through psychic readings and mediumship. When you work with me, my goal is simple; to help you find peace, feel confident, and live a life you truly love.

Throughout my life, I’ve been deeply connected to my intuition and the energy around me. As an adult living in New York City, I finally realized that tuning into those channels could change lives for the better. 


STACIE BANNON, MODERN DAY PSYCHIC (TM) © 2013 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |  PRIVACY POLICY | Branding, Copywriting, Website Design by Bella Maven

| photo & video credit: hooton images, omaha, ne

| photo & video credit: hooton images