let's work together

Private Psychic Medium Readings

My reading style is thorough, compassionate, and honest. You can trust that you will get everything you need during your reading, and in a positive and clear manner. 

click for rates

Before a reading


You bring your specific questions to the session and/or you can connect with your departed loved ones or pets if you want to. You decide what you want to experience.

Whatever your personal, cultural, or spiritual beliefs might be, receiving accurate guidance and emotional healing will help you to achieve what you want now with far greater ease, clarity, and confidence.   

+ One person only, unless two best friends are doing their own personal readings together in person

Start fresh this Summer

We all want to feel clear, happy, and whole.

You bring your specific questions to your session so they all get addressed thoroughly.  This is the most effective and satisfyingly way for you to do a session. You know why you want to see me. The reading is client-focused. What can I ask?

During your reading I will not sugarcoat things. Instead, I uncover the truth of your situation and provide you with clear answers and guidance when I tell you exactly what your Spirit Guide tells me. After your session you will feel clarity and healing.

Connecting with departed loved ones and pets through mediumship is healing and brings needed closure. You say one at a time who you want to connect with. I love doing mediumship because of the immense inner peace it will bring to you, like it does for all of my clients.



Accurate answers and guidance regarding ANY life issues, love, relationships, career, crossroads, and more affecting you now and the near future


Peace and ease, empowering you to make your best choices moving forward


Open to your own intuitive or healing abilities, or learn about your own Spirit Guide team


Learn about your Past Lives. Ask any questions you have about any woo-woo experiences you've had

Connect with your departed loved ones and pets for healing, closure and peace

this is for you.

reading rates:

reading rates:

30 minutes / $175
45 minutes / $225
60 minutes / $275

Payment is due when you book your session to secure your session time. You call me to book your session first, and then your pay right after booking to secure your spot
NO REFUNDS. You can reschedule your session if needed, no fees or hassles
Call me at 402-937-4818 to book. I like to speak to clients personally. No online booking system

You can start with a 30 or 45-minute reading and decide to go longer during your session. You pay the additional amount after your session
Cash, Card, PayPal & VEMNO accepted

Payment is due when you book your session to secure your session time. Please call me first to book, and then pay over the phone or below using the "Square" checkout button
NO REFUNDS. You can reschedule your session if needed, no fees or hassles
Call me at 402-937-4818 to book. I like to speak to clients personally. No online booking system
You can start with a 30 or 45-minute reading and decide to go longer during your session. You pay the additional amount after your session
Cash, Card, PayPal & VEMNO accepted

disclaimer / privacy policy

Gift Certificates are available

Readings offered in-person in my Omaha office, also by phone and Zoom video for US & international clients

Readings offered in-person in my Omaha office, also by phone and Zoom video for US & international clients

square credit card processor


30 minute Session
45 minute Session
60 minute Session

Readings offered in-person in my private Omaha office, also by phone and Zoom video for US & international clients

"Square" is a completely secure and fast checkout method. I have successfully used Square for 10 years.

"Paypal" is a completely secure and fast checkout method. I have successfully used PayPal with clients for 10 years.

real results

"She also knew information about people and situations that she couldn't have possibly known. She has a gift!"

Stacie has an incredible connection to Spirit and to your master guides! In both my readings she delivered specific insight that validated me and helped me move forward from a big trauma. A reading with her is a breath of fresh air. She feels like an old friend who genuinely wants the best for you. She also knew information about people and situations that she couldn't have possibly known. She has a gift!"

- Mallika Iyers, Baltimore, MD

NEXT review →

"I can actually say I’m enjoying my life. I have never been able to say that before."

"I was a little set back when I left her office. I didn’t believe some of the things that I had to do but my life was crazy, my marriage was a disaster. I thought, well, what she said was a lot out of my comfort zone but what else is there. I believe it has been about six months and I did everything Stacie had suggested and I can actually say I’m enjoying my life. I have never been able to say that before. Thanks Stacie for helping me find my joy. See you soon."

- Misty, Lincoln, NE

NEXT review →

Embrace Your Life

No person has one “Soul Purpose.” ​​Before we incarnate we have many things they want to try to experience. Some purposes (things we wanted to experience in this life) will be very important to us on a Soul-level; but there is not just one focus or “purpose” in any lifetime. Think of how many diverse aspects there are to our lives. What we want to experience on a Soul-level in this lifetime will change and evolve during our life. Find out what will make you feel purposeful now.

We also do not have never-ending "life lessons" to learn. There are no required lessons, there is no "pass or fail." This is not school. Earth is our playground to enjoy being a human again. Embrace your gift of 'free will' to create a life you love now. 

seriously, happiness feels pretty good